A computer is an electronic machine that processes data that is inputd by the user and then provides it with information through the output device as
What is computer – What is Computer in English ?
Are you a school-going student who wants to know what this computer is (what is Computer in English) or one of the college-going students who have heard about this device but is not aware of it yet, we will give full details about it in this post.
Before you work on it, it is important to know who the computer is, what are the basic parts of it, and how it works. Also, it is important to know what its importance and features are.
A computer is an electronic machine that processes data that is inputd by the user and then provides it with information through the output device as a result. It can also store data for the future.
In this article, you will also learn what its screen says and what its full form is. So without delay, let's know what the computer is (what is Computer in English)?
Computer is also called computer in English. It is a machine that accepts data through the input device, then processes it, and then shows us the result through the output device.
It can also store data that can be used in the future. Computer is made up of the Latin word "Computare" which means calculating.
We use it to do a lot of things easily. It also solves complex math questions in less than a second.
It does not understand the instructions we give in our language, but only as 0 and 1 that we speak machine language. This instrument is not just a use of it almost everywhere it is used.
You will often go to many places every day where there will be government or private offices. Until a few years ago, files and documents were used for their work in these places, i.e., paperwork.
But this device caught such an extension that you will now see the only device in every office, office.
This is because it has not equated the work and mistakes of writing and calculating hours of writing and calculating an account. It is important to know what the definition is, and here you will also know what the parts or parts of the computer are.
Until just a few years ago, it was recently that everyone did not know about it. It was used in office, school and college.
I first saw this instrument when I was in the 6th class.
We use this to do almost all sorts of work. It has become so important as the importance of education. Because a graduating person now has a lot of difficulty in getting a job.
But the knowledge of this is such that it is not difficult for you to get the job done if you know what the basic computer course DCA is and how you work in Photoshop.
What is the full form of computer – Full Form of Computer in English ?
Let's now know what the full form of the computer is.
C – Commonly,
O – Operated,
M – Machine,
P – Particularly,
U – Used for,
T – Technical,
E – Educational,
R – Research.
What is the definition of a computer?
"The computer is an electronic device that processes the input data from the user programmatically and then shows the result as an output. Which can be used in the future as well."
This is the way it works.
With the process flow diagram shown above, you can easily understand how the computer works. It mainly works in 3 steps.
The user takes the computer's data from the input device as input data and then processes the data that the user enters through their program.
It then shows the data as output to the user. It processes two kinds of data by accepting it, one is Arithmetical and the other is Logical.
It's an electronic device that can do a lot of work very quickly and easily.
But there are still a lot of people in the world who don't know a lot of important things about PC. That's why in today's post I've tried to easily understand every little information you've attached to it.
What is the English name of the computer?
However, there are a lot of people who don't really know what the name English computer is. This is called computer in English. Which means an instrument that calculates.
What does the computer screen say?
When we work with this device, we use a monitor that has an output device. So you can understand it yourself to call the screen monitor.
How does the computer work?
Friends in desktops and laptops so everyone works. But not everyone knows how it works. So if you want to know, go ahead. You'll get an answer to each of your questions.
Input:– First inserts the user data from the input device into it called input.
This is set of data or information. Which are of many types such as letters, numbers, words, audio, video, etc.
Processing:– This is an internal process. Processes the input data based on the instruction given in the program.
Output:– See processed data on the monitor as a result and speak output. When the data is processed, it gets us through the monitor screen, printer, audio device.
Part of the computer?
It is an electronic device which has several parts.
You may have often noticed that it has different parts to work with. Some parts are necessary without which the system cannot work.
Some computer parts are parts we use to complete our extra work.
It also requires the use of the device for each task. So let's know what parts we have without which they can't work.
There are many parts that are necessary. Detail information about these parts is given below.
Input Device
The device we use to enter data inside your PC speaks to the input device. These data and instructions we enter in different form using the input device.
Input device is a means of direct communicating between the human and the system.
Input devices are devices that access the CPU directly after input instructions and data. The instruction from these devices tells the brain of the system what to use?
Input devices are of different types so that data and instruction can be input. Here I am telling you about different input devices. Keyboard, Light pen, Digital Camera, Mouse, Scanner.
Motherboard is the main circuit board of the system. All parts are connect to it.
CPU, Mouse,keyboard, printer, monitor, and even devices are directly connected to the motherboard from cables. Motherboard is a hardware inside the system. We also speak of the backbone of the system.
Apart from PCs and laptops, there are many devices in which motherboard is used. Devices such as Mobile and tablet also have a motherboard.
The shape and size of the motherboard of different systems is by device. Some parts are connected directly to the motherboard itself.
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
It is not wrong if the mind of the system is spoken. Just as a person thinks with his mind and takes a decision, the CPU in the system works like a human mind.
It is also known by a number of names, such as e-brain processor, central processor, and micro processor.
These systems are in the Motherboard inside the cabinet. The world's first processor was created by Intel company in 1970.
THE CPU follows and controls instructions coming from a software or hardware. The CPU mainly consists of 2 parts.
- Arithmetic and Logical Unit
- Control Unit
Arithmetic and logical unit calculates and decides both data (numerical or logical data).
It processes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division as well as logical data (<=>and , or). Control controls all the functions of the unit system.
Controls all parts of this such as input, output, processor.
Output Device
The devices that the system uses to output the result after the data is processed in the system are called the output device.
The output device provides data to the user in the form of sound, video, shape, photo, etc.
In the output device we all know the monitor, printer, earphone, speaker. All of this appears by outputing us into device information.
Here I'm telling you some of the necessary output devices. Monitor, Speaker, Printer, Projector, etc.
Hard Disk Drive
Hard disk acts as a storage of a system. That is, all data, such as videos, MP3, documents, speaks hard drive where you save all kinds of files. This is a permanent storage device. In which data can be stored as long as you want.
RAM (Random Access Memory)
RAM is also spoken to main memory or primary memory or volatile memory. This volatile memory speaks because it temporarily stores data.
Its full form is Random Access memory. INCREASES the speed of the RAM system. That's why the higher the capacity RAM, the more speed the system will work.
Whenever a user works in the system, the user keeps it stored as much as you can when you work. But if the data is not saved for some reason and the power is lost, all the data will also be lost. RAM means temporary memory only saves data when you work. It is necessary to store it in hard drive to store it permanently.
Power Supply
SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply) is an electrical device that powers all parts of the system.
Who invented the computer – Father of Computer in English
Its invention is one of the world's greatest inventions. Why it changed the whole world. All the work is done now. This has made human work much easier.
Do you know who invented this and who its parent is. If you don't know, know that the man who invented it is charles Babbage.
Charles Babbage is called the father of this who created a mechanical computer called the "Differential engine" in 1822.
However, a lot of people have contributed with the moment to develop or develop it. In 1837 he brought to the world the first modern system in the form of the Analytical engine.
Analytical engine used ALU (Arithmetic and Logic unit), basic flow control and integrated memory. Nowadays systems are also built on the basis of the same model. That is why they are called the father of modern age systems.
Types of Computer in English
Broadly based on the working of this is divided into 3 categories. Each one of which has its own different types.
Analog – A system that uses analog signal to show information is called analog computer. The information in this is in continuous form that appear as curves.
It is used to measure continuous physical quantity such as temperature, power flow, blood pressure and heartbeat.
Digital – Systems that use binary digits to show different information are called digital computers. The information in this occurs in discrete form. It uses information as text, picture, and graphics.
Hybrid – Systems that are able to understand analog signal as well as binary digits to show information we know on the tor of the Hybrid computer.
This shows information by operating mode. This contains information in continuous form as well as in discrete form as it also carries out digital processing as well as analog processing.
Types of computers based on size
Supercomputer – Such systems are the fastest and most powerful. They are very expensive and are used only for special activities. As such as weather forecasting, this is used to be very complex calculations, which is why.
In addition, it is used to calculate animation, graphic designing, nuclear energy research, and fluid dynamics.
Mainframe computer – It's a very expensive and large-scale system capable of simultaneously handleing thousands of users at once. If it comes to hierarchy, at the bottom there is a microprocessor that reaches the supercomputer which is at the top. Menframes are levels below the super ones.
If you talk about a few mauco, they are several times stronger than the super system because they can run multiple programs at once in which thousands of users can work together. But one program that run at a time in a supercomputer works much faster than mainframes.
Mini computers – come and come in medium level according to power. Mini computers come in the middle of the mainframe and work stations. If you talk about simple things, these are systems in which 4-200 users can work together.
Micro or personal computer – It is a type of device designed for the use of only one person, also known as the personal computer today, based on what a single chip micro processor is made on. It mainly comes with laptops and desktops
Desktop – A personal or micro-mini system is easily fitted into a desk.
Laptops – These are systems that are portable, with an integrated screen and keyboard. They are usually smaller than desktops and larger than notebooks.
Palmtop/ Digital Diary/Diary PDA – Systems that come into our hands are so small. It does not contain a keyboard. The screen in this works as the only input and output device.
Work station – A terminal or desktop works as a network. Here we take it as a generic term which means user's machine called server or mainframe.
Computer History – History of Computer in English
It was invented 2000 years ago. "Abacus" is the world's first computer. Abacus is a wooden rack. So that calculations of mathematics are done.
Its development was divided into generations, one by one, to explain how we and you have become modern. Its history is generally classified into 5 generation.
Computer Generation – Generation of Computer in English
Let's learn the history of this one by one according to its generation.
First Generation Vaccum Tubes (1940-1956)
In the first generation of vaccum tubes used for memory as circuitry and magnetic drum.
They came and were so big that they captured the entire room. It used to be very costly to use why it cost too much electricity to run them.
In addition, they also used to generate a lot of heat, which also caused malfunction problems.
It used punch cards and paper tape to use print outs for input devices and for output.
These machines used language. Some examples of first generation are UNIVAC and ENIAC.
Second Generation Transistor (1956-1963)
In second generation computers, vaccum tubes were replaced by transistor. Transistors were invented by Bell labs in 1947.
These transistors were many times better than vaccum tube because they used to be very fast as well as electricity, making it much cheaper to walk.
Second-generation computer used assembly language instead of machine language. This was used as high-level language in COBOL and FORTRAN.
Third Generation Integrated circuits (1964-1971)
Integrated circuits replaced transistors in this generation. Now the transistor had become small enough to be inserted inside the silicon chips and called the semiconductor.
It increased speed and efficiency considerably. Instead of punch card and printout, the keyboard and Monitor started to be used, for which the operating system was used.
Fourth generation Microprocessor (1971-Present)
Microprocessor was used as fourth generation. It has thousands of integrated circuits built within a silicon chip.
Now the system was so developed that the whole room was captured and now it is full of palm size.
The Intel 4004 chip was developed in 1971 within which all components were fixed. In 1981, IBM also developed the first home-used system.
Fifth Generation Artificial Intelligence (Present and beyond)
The fifth generation system is based on artificial intelligence, of which is still being devable.
One form we're using is voice recognition. Quantum calculation parallel processing are the only examples of artificial intelligence.
Having artificial intelligence enables them to make decisions on their own.
What is the importance of computer – Importance of Computer in English
- Use in the field of education
- scientific research
- Weather and Natural Disaster Information and Prediction
- Experiments in Entertainment
- Special contribution to home and office functions
- Automation of automatic machine
Characteristics and Benefits of Computers
This instrument has brought many changes in the life of man. It has left no stone unturned to create human life. Just as each coin has 2 aspects, there are two aspects of the use of it.
Everything is typical, but it also has some flaws. We will discuss here further what are the advantages and disadvantages of this. So first of all, you know about its benefits.
be a cheaper device
There used to be a time when buying a system was not just a matter of all because it used to cost much.
At the same time, people did not know the use of it, but today's time has come when powerful systems don't have to spend much money.
Good and fast desktop/fast to work Laptops are now available at a considerable price. Laptops get to see.
The biggest source of online shopping, internet banking, entertainment
The biggest advantage of this is that by connecting the Internet, we can use internet banking through this. Sitting at home we can complete the bank-related work with the help of desktops or laptops.
In addition, we can use it to shop for any goods online and ask for the goods at home.
Desktop/Desktop One of the biggest uses of laptops is the entertainment sector. We can watch movies in this, listen to songs, play games.
Saving time
Since desktop/desktop Since the laptop began to be used for use, it saved 80% of man's time, whether it is a government office, a manufacturing company, a bank or a small shop. Its use everywhere saves a lot of time.
If we talk about a bank's money deposit, there was a long queue because the clerk of the bank used to do his own work and book all the accounts in the file and register.
But with the arrival of this machine, it started dealing with hours of work in minutes and greatly reduced congestion from the bank.
medium of communication
Internet connections and systems together create a very modern communication system. Today, the internet has Facebook, Google Plus, Instagram, Twitter, which allows us to connect with relatives living at home by chatting and calling.
In addition, we can also talk with the help of video licking while watching them.
Excess storage capacity
The files and documents that work are of large size, but that's what we do when we can use desktop/desktop files. If you do it in Laptop, we have no tension in keeping its files and documents, which we can store many times more files and documents in the computer than we can in a room in real life.
This is because the storage is very high. And the good thing is that we can find a document from millions of documents only in seconds. While in real life, it may take hours or even several days for us to do this.
A means of making money while sitting at home
Today, it has not only been a means of communication, entertainment, but it has also become a source of money at home today.
The area of this is so large that there are many ways to earn money in this. You can also earn money such as photo editing, YouTube channels, blogging, designing, freelance.
Loss/loss of computer Loss
waste of time
This invention has made the work of man so much easier. It also saves time by completing our work in a short time, but there can be something wrong with everything if it is not used properly.
Nowadays, young people use desktops or laptops since childhood and have a habit of sitting in front of the system all day long.
At the same time, some young Photoshoots are so merry to playing DSLR, and games that they don't belong to reading. In addition, some people stay on social media and spend the day and waste time.
Loss of eyes
Every day, you have to sit in front of the system and work continuously in the monitor. The monitor has to sit in front and see how to work.
This causes a very bad effect on the eyes. Most people who sit in front of the monitor and work everyday have a very bad effect in the eyes of some people who soon find glasses.
Unemployment – Less manpower requirement
The computer alone works for many people. Nowadays, every manufacturing company, government office, school, college and bank have desktops.
The work that 4 people used to do completes a single system and only one man is required to run it.
Thus, 3 out of 4 people everywhere face unemployment. Job opportunities were reduced because fewer people were in need.
More use of social networking sites
Nowadays, everyone, whether mobile or laptop, is connected to social media everywhere. The day sits on it and the time goes on. It doesn't benefit, but people can't get the habit of social media without it.
Security threat
All work is done now in the computer. All documents are stored and retained. It is always made that if a virus is in the hard drive, it can destroy all the data.
Bad people are simply unable to harm others and resort to the wrong ways to waste the data of big companies.
Computer's overtaking of man
Today, artificial intelligence has started working very quickly. Systems are being created that can talk, understand, and interact with people.
If a day the device becomes so powerful that it takes its own decisions and sometimes goes into a wrong or negative condition, it can also prove to be a threat to a human being.
Although the device is not smart yet to take a decision, there is no danger at the moment.
Computer Usage
Let's now know where it is used.
- Education
- Government Office Work
- Defence Institute (Defense)
- Hospital
- Sports
- Business
- Science & Research
- Entertainment
- Met Department (Or department)
- Bank Work (Banking)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
A computer is a machine that receives data and instructions provided by the user through an input device and then starts processing through its processing unit and provides output to the user according to the input data.
2. What can we do with a computer?
This allows us to do a lot of work like scientists in scientific research use it for week experiments.
It is used in many types in educational institutions and is especially used nowadays for digital learning to accurately explain a topic to
- children.
- systems.
- important.
- business.
- computer.
Nowadays, complex to complex operations are easily carried out with the help of a computer and the patient is made healthier and the major disease is also eliminated.
3. What is the definition of computer in English ?
A computer is an electronic device that accepts data inputly from the input device and then processes it and shows the result to the user through the output device.
The special computer used for scientific research and work station computers is called a multi-user operating system that can work multiplely simultaneously.
5. Who is the parent of the computer?
In the 19th century, the professor of mathematics, named Charles Babbage, invented the computer, which is called the father of the instrument or the father of it.
Charles Babbage is the father of this instrument who was a mathematician and also a mechanical engineer and inventor today, the modern PC that we and you are using is the product of those who first created the computer as a differential engine.
There are four types of computers depending on processing speed and size.
- Mini Computer
- MicroComcome Computer
- Super computer
8. Who discovered the computer and when?
The man who created it is Charles Babbage, also known as the father and father of the computer, or, rather, because of the invention of the computer, he is said to have discovered the computer by Charles Babbage in 1823 AD.
9. When did the computer first come to India?
The computer was first installed in 1952 at the Indian Static Institute in Kolkata. Thus, the practice of this instrument started in India.
10. Which is the fastest computer?
The fastest computer in the world is China's supercomputer named Sunway TaihuLight.
11. Which is India's first super computer?
India's first super computer is the Ultimate 8000 and was built in India in 1991.
The screen is known as a monitor, also known as visual display unit.
13. What is the IQ of the computer?
The IQ level of the computer is 0. But why is that? Because the computer is able to pass the IQ test for which it is already programmed.
Whenever the computer is asked questions that are not already inserted into it, it fails to answer it.
If you ask it 125 questions and it is not programmed for a single handle, the percentage to answer will be zero.
14. What is read in the computer?
A variety of courses are conducted in the computer through which any student can pursue his career and make further earnings by reading these.
Web Designing or Web Development, Basic Computer Course, Graphic Designing, Course on Computer Concept (CCC), Digital Marketing, Animation, Mobile App Development, Software Engineering, e-Accounting, Tally, Cyber Security Course, Data Entry Operator Advance Diploma in Computer Application, Advance Diploma in Financial Accounting, Computer Programming Certification Course, ITI in Computer, Diploma in Computer Science, Search Engine Optimization, Content Writing Course.
I hope the computer has understood what it says English and you may have liked these posts. If you still need more information, you can give us suggestions in the comments box. This will give us more encouragement and encouragement to work so that we can work harder and create information for you in simple terms.
By and large, computer knowledge is as important as we consider education in modern times.
Today almost everywhere there is no work without it. That's why we've discussed this topic in detail today and you've known what the computer is in English) and what its screen says and what the attribute is. If you like this post, you must share it with your social media account Facebook, Instagram.
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